The questions you should ask a personal injury solicitor

The questions you should ask a personal injury solicitor

If you find yourself in need of a personal injury solicitor in Cork, you need someone you trust.

It can often be a confusing process with various types of legal procedures and jargon. Knowledge is power, and the more you know and understand, the more straightforward the journey will be.

Transparency is key between you and your personal injury solicitor.

You must be confident in their ability. Open conversation and sharing of information are critical.

To aid you as you embark on the legal undertaking, here are some questions you should ask your personal injury solicitor.

Is my case suitable?

Make the details of your incident clear from the offset so that a personal injury solicitor can determine if your case is suitable. A solicitor must understand your story fully to make an informed decision.

Who will be in charge of my case?

Upon your first inquiry to an organisation, you will be placed with a suitable solicitor to deal with your issue.

Have you represented others with a similar story to mine?

It is essential to know if the chosen solicitor has represented for similar queries in the past to give you peace of mind. From medical negligence to public liability accidents, there are many different forms of personal injury claims.

Is the firm suitable?

Do your research before approaching a firm. Ronan Enright is an expert personal injury solicitor in Cork, and the team specialises and excels in such cases.

What is the cost?

Money is a worry for many, and it is vital to be open about any concerns with your personal injury solicitor from the start. A solicitor is obliged to provide information about fees to clients. However, sometimes fees can change over time as a situation moves forward. This means a personal injury solicitor may not have an exact figure in the first stages, but they should give an estimate.

How long will the process take?

In personal injury cases, matters can arise that will shorten or lengthen the time frame. Based on previous cases, your personal injury solicitor should be able to provide you with a possible timescale.

Will my case go to court?

The majority of claims do not begin or go to court. By law, they are required to start with the Personal Injuries Assessment Board (except for medical negligence cases).

PIAB provides an independent assessment of personal injury claims for compensation following road traffic, workplace or public liability accidents. If the person you hold responsible for your injury (the respondent) does not want PIAB to assess your compensation claim, you can take your claim to court.

An application to the PIAB is made with the help of a personal injury solicitor to ensure an exact process that runs smoothly. The expert gives correct guidance in gathering documents, medical reports, and evidence collated for submission to the board.

If you are looking for a personal injury solicitor in Cork, please get in touch with Ronan Enright Solicitors at (021) 235 5443 or email


In contentious business, a legal practitioner shall not charge any amount in respect of legal costs expressed as a percentage or proportion of any damages (or other money) that may become payable to his or her client or purport to set out the legal costs to be charged to a junior counsel as a specified percentage or proportion of the legal costs paid to a senior counsel. A legal practitioner shall not without the prior written agreement of his or her client deduct or appropriate any amount in respect of legal costs from the amount of any damages or moneys that become payable to the client in respect of legal services that the legal practitioner provided to the client.

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